Telehealth Suboxone Doctors in Tennessee
If you’ve ever performed an internet search for “Telehealth Suboxone Doctors Near Me”, you know you’re going to get fairly mixed search results.
Not every Suboxone clinic in Tennessee can even provide telehealth Suboxone treatment. Only a select handful of “BeSMART” designated Suboxone clinics are legally allowed to perform telehealth Suboxone treatment.
Addiction is a unique form of treatment that only addiction-related physicians can treat. That’s why your family doctor or primary care provider can’t prescribe Suboxone.
It all starts with the seriousness of the disease of addiction.
Addiction is a serious problem that has had a devastating impact on individuals, families, and communities in Tennessee. In recent years, there has been a growing trend towards telehealth Suboxone doctors in Tennessee to treat addiction.
Telehealth Suboxone appointments were first used primarily as a solution to stop the spread of COVID 19. It allows Suboxone doctors the ability to use telecommunications technology to provide healthcare services remotely. This can include video conferencing, phone calls, and text messaging (not just simply video).
Technology had to catch up as well. Restrictions were lifted as a result of COVID 19 that allowed practitioners to practice telehealth using WhatsApp, FaceTime and other video calling softwares that are not HIPAA compliant. In the last couple of years there has been a substantial increase of telehealth softwares coming online that are specifically made for medical facilities and are HIPAA compliant.
There are many benefits to using telehealth Suboxone doctors for addiction treatment.
First, telehealth Suboxone doctors can provide access to care for people who live in rural areas or who have difficulty traveling to traditional treatment centers.
Second, they can be more convenient and affordable than traditional treatment, as well as accept TennCare Medicaid insurance from AmeriGroup, BlueCare and United Healthcare.
Third, they can offer a more confidential and comfortable setting for people who are struggling with opioid addiction since care is performed in the comfort of the patient’s home, or even remotely.
How do Telehealth Suboxone Doctor Appointments Work?
Here’s how telehealth Suboxone appointments work at Recovery Care:
- After the patient fills-in their intake documents and registers, they download Recovery Care’s Spruce Health mobile app.
- At appointment time they send a message in Spruce letting the Recovery Care staff know they’re ready for their appointment.
- Recovery Care’s administrative staff guides the patient through the virtual appointment process, moving them from person to person, just like moving from room to room inside the clinic:
- Perform a non-invasive urine drug screen
- Visit with a licensed, master’s level counselor
- Meet with a Suboxone doctor
Recovery Care provides telehealth Suboxone patients with two options for obtaining their Suboxone prescriptions:
- Same-day pickup at their local pharmacy of choice
- Have medications delivered to their doorstep the following day
Is Telehealth Suboxone Treatment as Effective as In-Clinic Suboxone Treatment?
Having helped over 1600 Tennessee patients with their opioid addiction since 2017 I had my reservations. At least 98% of the patients I had worked with were seen inside the clinic. That means most of our Suboxone patients were in a controlled environment and had face to face contact with multiple staff members aiding their recovery.
Could we provide the same level of patient care using telehealth Suboxone appointments that we have in-clinic over the past six years? The answer is, yes.
That said, there are some caveats to telehealth Suboxone appointments that should be known before scheduling an appointment with an online Suboxone doctor.
- Timing is more important than ever. Patients must be on-time and prepared for their appointments.
- Patients need to be in a quiet place for clear audio communication.
- High speed internet is a requirement. Cellular connections can work but are less predictable with video calls.
- Patients need access to a private restroom when performing their urine drug screens.
- A quality mobile device with clear, two-way audio and video connectivity is a must.
Study Says Telehealth Suboxone Doctor Appointments Effective for Sobriety
One study found that people who received addiction treatment through telehealth were just as likely to achieve abstinence as those who received treatment in person. Another study found that telehealth was associated with lower dropout rates and higher satisfaction rates among patients.
There are a number of different ways that telehealth Suboxone doctor appointments can be used to treat addiction. One common approach is to use video conferencing to connect patients with therapists. This allows patients to receive individual therapy sessions from the comfort of their own homes. Telehealth can also be used to provide group therapy sessions, medication-assisted treatment, and relapse prevention services.
Telehealth Suboxone appointments are a promising new approach to treating addiction. It offers a number of benefits over traditional treatment, including increased access, convenience, and affordability. If you are struggling with addiction, telehealth may be a good option for you.
Specific Benefits of Telehealth Suboxone Appointments in Tennessee
In addition to the general benefits of telehealth, there are also other specific benefits that addiction telehealth can offer. These include:
- Increased access to care: Telehealth can help to increase access to care for people who live in rural areas or who have difficulty traveling to traditional treatment centers. This is especially important for people with addiction, as they may be reluctant to seek treatment due to the stigma associated with addiction.
- Convenience: Telehealth Suboxone appointments can be more convenient than traditional appointments, as it allows patients to receive care from the comfort of their own homes. This can be especially helpful for people who have busy schedules or who find it difficult to travel.
- Affordability: With 100% coverage provided by TennCare Medicaid, patients can literally get online addiction treatment with no out of pocket expense. TennCare Medicaid coverage of telehealth Suboxone appointments and medications can be a major benefit for people who have limited financial resources.
- Confidentiality: Telehealth can offer a more confidential, discrete setting for people who are struggling with addiction. This can be important for people who are concerned about their privacy or who are afraid of being judged.
Recovery Care is Your Telehealth Suboxone Solution in Tennessee
If you are interested in seeking telehealth Suboxone treatment in Tennessee, Recovery Care is your solution. Just a few of the many benefits of choosing Recovery Care for your online addiction treatment are:
- Can treat anyone living in the state of Tennessee
- Accepts all TennCare Medicaid insurance plans:
- AmeriGroup
- BlueCare
- United Healthcar
- Owned and operated by people in active recovery who know opioid addiction first-hand
- Be treated with kindness and respect
If you’re ready to change your life for the better and say goodbye to opioid addiction once and for all, Recovery Care’s team of therapists and Suboxone doctors are ready to help you every step of the way.