The Truth About Suboxone and Addiction Treatment
Recovery Care partners Jon and Drew are not new to recovery or Suboxone treatment. Both Jon and Drew own clinics in the Nashville area, and are actually competitors. Well, sort of.
The truth is that if you’re working in the addiction field you probably have a passion for helping people, especially helping those who are addicted. Everyone working in addiction is a team whether they like it or not.
Yes, there are good clinics and not so good clinics. But, even the worst of Suboxone clinics are providing a service of prescribing Suboxone to the people who need it most. Suboxone saves lives, and allows for most people to continue normal lives without the need to chase pills or heroin anymore. Suboxone isn;t a fix-all, but it sure does a lot of good.
Recovery Care co-owner Drew lost his oldest brother to addiction in 2005.
Oddly, Drew himself was taking very strong narcotic medications at the time, and couldn’t even see that he too had a terrible addiction to them. It wasn’t long before some “tough life” happened to Drew and he was suddenly medicating his emotions with pain pills, something a lot of addicted people do.
Addiction is a Community
Actually, addiction is many communities. There’s the medical side, providing Suboxone and therapy to opioid-addicted individuals, and then there’s the group recovery side where free organizations like Narcotics Anon…
Read the full article at Recovery Care of Columbia — A Suboxone Clinic Treating Addiction in Maury County TN